As you walk along the sidewalks of Columbus, Georgia, you may have noticed more scooters zipping by with each passing day. They look like fun, and they seem to be a great way to save gas on those commutes that are right between too far and too close, but are they safe?

A study by the American Journal of Otolaryngology found that scooter-related injuries have tripled in the last ten years. But upon further investigation, it seems that scooters themselves may not be to blame. In fact, many of the injuries suffered by scooter riders may be preventable. 

Motor Scooter vs. Motorcycle: Which Is Safer?

Both motorcycles and scooters are two-wheeled vehicles that operate without the safety of a “cage” around them. Nevertheless, if you were to assume that a scooter is safer than a motorcycle, you’d be correct. Approximately 5000 people were killed in fatal motorcycle accidents in one recent year, compared to just 30 deaths from scooter accidents.

Of course, that isn’t a completely fair comparison, as there were many more people riding motorcycles than using scooters at that time. However, even in later years, the fact remains that around 60% of all motorcycle accidents result in fatality. 

Causes of Motor Scooter Injuries

Though scooter injuries are on the rise, many of them are preventable. Head injuries, for instance, make up almost half of all reported scooter injuries. These can be serious, causing damage to the brain that may not heal. They occur frequently because many scooter riders fail to wear recommended protective gear, such as a helmet. 

Other unsafe behaviors, such as riding under the influence, reckless riding, and riding tandem can also lead to injury. Additionally, problems with the scooters themselves, such as speed-control glitches, are possible.  

Staying Safe

Regardless of the kind of vehicle you’re operating, there are certain precautions you must take to ensure your safety on the road. These suggestions are as follows:

Avoid Distractions

Distracted driving doesn’t just cause car accidents. Scooter riders who use their phones and other electronic devices when they should be focused on the road ahead are increasing their risk of injury. 

Put all of your devices away, including earplugs that block ambient sounds, as hearing what’s going on around you is just as much an important part of road safety as seeing is.

Follow Traffic Laws

Everyone on the road and sidewalk is expected to follow the rules of the road for their own safety and others’. Weaving in and out of traffic and ignoring traffic signals is dangerous whether you’re on a scooter or in a car. 

Wear Protective Gear

It may not be glamorous, but a helmet can save your life. And on top of that, they are legally required in the State of Georgia. New riders should also consider wearing knee and elbow pads to protect themselves during a fall. 

Know the Road

Understand where you can and cannot legally ride a scooter. In Georgia, riders are not allowed on highways or any road where the speed limit is higher than 35 mph. 

Practice Your Riding Skills

Riding a motor scooter requires skill. Before riding in high-traffic areas, practice riding around the neighborhood. Experience will help you become more confident and a safer rider as a result. 

Enjoy Scooter Riding Responsibly

Accidents do happen, and you can’t control the actions of others. That’s why it’s so important to do everything you can to stay safe while operating any type of vehicle, including a scooter. And if you have been injured on a scooter because of another person’s negligence, understand that you may have a right to financial compensation.

Contact the Columbus Motorcycle Accident Lawyers at Mark Casto Personal Injury Law Firm Today

If you were injured in an accident in Columbus, GA, and need legal help, contact our Columbus motorcycle accident lawyers at Mark Casto Personal Injury Law Firm to schedule a free case review today.

Mark Casto Personal Injury Law Firm
233 12th St #808
Columbus, GA 31901

(706) 940-4030